Tomorrow’s Decisions, Today!

In the aftermath of World War II in Korea, a department store owner named Koo In-Hwoi founded a trading company that had a very popular and successful face cream product called “Lucky.” Addressing a problem with the product container lids, he started up a division...

#KronosWorks2014: Biggest. Conference. Ever.

In the opening session, it was announced that there were about 2500 attendees at KronosWorks in Las Vegas this year, which is about 500 more than the previous record number of attendees. Those are the numbers. But what I am here to tell you, as this was my 14th...

KronosWorks 2014? It was a GAS!

It seems like every industry trends article I read – no matter what industry – touts SMAC as a game-changing technology trend.  If you haven’t heard this term yet, SMAC stands for social, mobile, analytics and cloud.  The workforce management industry is no...

KronosWorks 2014 Retail Recap

KronosWorks 2014 broke all previous attendance records with over 2500 attending this year’s show. Kronos CEO Aron Ain was justifiably proud of Kronos accomplishments during his Keynote address pointing out that: ·         Kronos exceeded $1B in revenue (to quote Aron...