
Foundations are the building blocks to construct labor standards in Axsium’s Opus work measurement software. They can consist of very granular Methods-Time Measurements (MTMs), such as the number of seconds it takes to walk 20 feet, or more industry-specific tasks like the time it takes to re-stock a medium sized box at waist level. 

Foundations provide an effective means to build and maintain labor standards for several reasons:  

  • Industry foundations serve as a very useful starting point for Axsium engineers and new Opus clients to build custom standards.  
  • The accuracy of Axsium’s foundations have been tested and confirmed across decades of real-world use by our clients. 
  • If applicable, foundations can be reused across multiple labor standards (e.g. the process to wash hands might be used in bakery, deli, meat, and produce areas of a grocery store).  
  • Updating a foundation will automatically update other associated foundations or labor standards, so if a core change takes place it only needs to happen once.


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